Hello! This is the official page of Wayne Sebastian Pereanu.

latest updates

2017-11-12Added published work: Enriching environment improves social interactions.
2017-11-11Added published work: Touch sensitivity measured by questionnaire.
2017-10-14Added published work: Processing Autonomic Information Differently.
2017-10-13Added published work: ASD Brains are Connected Differently.
2017-10-11Added published work: Compromised Energy Production in ASD Brain Cells.
2017-07-30Added a new story-of-the-day: Kidnapped.
2017-07-29Added a new story-of-the-day: Singularity.
2017-07-28Added a new story-of-the-day: Reminiscing.
2017-03-06Added a new story-of-the-day: Money.
2017-03-05Added a new story-of-the-day: Cigarette.
2017-03-04Added a new story-of-the-day: Soul mate.
2017-03-03Added a new story-of-the-day: End it all.
2017-03-02Added a new story-of-the-day: Cauldron.
2017-03-01Added a new story-of-the-day: Responder.
2017-02-28Added a new story-of-the-day: Common courtesy.
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